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Bake-Off: Cookies, Cakes, & Breads!
Do you love to bake cookies? Cake? Bread? If so, compete in the Orange Blossom Festival Bake-off! The rules are least ONE of the ingredients needs to be orange or orange flavoring. Entry is FREE. Complete the application below and bring your delicious baked goody to the Lindsay City Park between 11:00 and noon on the day of the festival. Entries will be judged by the Queen and her Court. Winners will be announced on the main stage around 1:00pm. You may hand deliver your application the day of the event or you may email it along with your recipe to

Previous Winners
Cookies: Cindy Baker
Cakes: Lisa Salinas
Breads: Anyssa McKneely
Cookies: Vincent Torre
Cakes: Emily Chavez
Breads: Richard Lambert
Cookies: Kathy Rivas
Cakes: Terri Haas Zielinski
Breads: Jesus Chavez
Cookies: Rob Fairley
Cakes: Kylar Leahy
Breads: Jayne Denni
Cookies: Rob Fairley
Cakes: Rob Fairley
Breads:Lisa Davis
Cookies: Rob Fairley
Cakes: Blanca Fox
Breads: Lupe Vasquez
Cookies: Rose Rains
Cakes: Daniela Ruiz
Breads: Rob Fairley
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